What better way to say Happy Valentine’s Day than with a Valentine’s breakfast board?! Yes, a whole board filled with yummy heart themed treats.

Large food-filled boards are a simple way to display your meals. These are ideal for small gatherings or family events. Everyone can choose something that they like! Breakfast is one time that a board works really well. Displaying your food this way encourages everyone to try new things!

I displayed all of my red and white heart shaped goodness on this perfect board from Home Depot. It is actually the top to a cabinet and we love it so much for parties! But you can grab any platter that you may have and just start piling it with breakfast goodies!
Here are some of the key players on my Valentine’s breakfast board:

Don’t you just love these handy dandy coating containers? They are easy to melt, and make for an even easier clean up!

To make the strawberries ultra festive, I dipped just the tips into a full Valentine sprinkle. These were the a favorite of the kiddos’!

These yummy raspberry muffins were lovely addition to the board and another way to sneak in fruit!

Would it even be a Valentine’s breakfast board without heart shaped waffles? We love our little Dash waffle maker! It was hard to find but the heart shaped Dash has been in and out of stock lately. If you are able to grab one, it is so fun and festive!

To make these super yummy red velvet waffles, I used a cake mix! Yes, a boxed cake mix makes waffles so fun and easy! You can see how I make them here.
For this Valentine’s themed board, I used regular/classic waffle batter, red velvet cake mix batter, and even a fun swirled combination of the two! They were delicious!

This small Valentine’s brownie cast iron skillet kit from Target proved to be the perfect way to display eggs! The brownie that the skillet came with was pretty good too!

You can make your bacon turn into hearts for your Valentine by cutting one piece of bacon in half and simply folding the two sides to make the heart. As they cook the two halves stick together. Cute!

Greek vanilla yogurt in a simple bowl with a ‘heart’ strawberry was also a hit.

Other items that would be perfect to include on your Valentine’s breakfast board are:
– Apple cut into heart shape
-Hash brown patties or tator tots
-Mini powdered donuts
-Mini strawberry Nutri-grain Bars
-Sausage links
-Yogurt covered raisins/cranberries

It takes a little time to prepare all of the yummy ingredients, and to set it all out for display…but the kiddos LOVED every second of eating it!
-Kelly ❤️

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