Take your after school milk and cookies up a notch with this Strawberry Whip Topped Milk! A fun treat for everyone!

Last year, I saw Erin at Cotton Stem make her Strawberry Whipped Milk and thought…I need to try that! Well folks, it’s taken me almost a year, but I did it!
To be honest, it took me three attempts to make this. Following the original recipe, I over whipped my cream and it was a little too stiff. The next time I tried, I wasn’t happy with the color. So I did a little adjusting and voilĂ ! I did it!
I served the Strawberry Whip Topped Milk to my kids after school along with these Heart Shaped M&M Chocolate Chip Cookies. They were in heaven!

All of my kiddos loved the milk. Well, except for one. However, she didn’t even try it as she claims to be “allergic to strawberries” aka they gross her out and she won’t come into a 10 foot radius of one or anything labeled “strawberry”. She doesn’t know what she is missing out on!
Nevertheless, here is the recipe!
Strawberry Whip Topped Milk
- 1/2 pint heavy whipping cream
- 3 tbsp Nesquik Strawberry Powder
- 3 drops red food coloring
- 2 cups milk
Add cream, powder and coloring to the base of a mixer with the whisk attachment on. Whisk on high for about 2 minutes or until mixture thickens and is creamy. Pour milk into two glasses and top with the strawberry whip. Serve to some lucky kiddos!
Be sure to serve them alongside these Heart-Shaped M&M Chocolate Chip Cookies!