Mermaid ice creates a fun color-changing summer drink. Bright and colorful, it makes any drink feel a bit more magical — just like mermaids!

It is definitely summer! Whew, it has been so hot lately! Adding some mermaid ice to a drink is the perfect way to make any drink feel special and cool those kids down after they have been playing outside.

Of course, there really is nothing magical about this mermaid ice, except it does change the color of the drink as it melts. Other than that, it is just food coloring added to water to make fun colored ice cubes. What little girl doesn’t love the magic of mermaids though? So this is a fun way to make them feel special and magical.

Who ever knew that adding a little food coloring to water could make kids so happy?

Add food coloring to water. Fill ice cube trays. Freeze.
Yes, that easy!
I find that it is easiest to put water in a small bowl, then add the amount of food coloring needed to make your desired shade (5 to 7 drops is what I used, depending on the color). Then just use a measuring cup to scoop the water out of the bowl and pour into the ice trays. Freeze fully, then pop out and add to your beverage of choice. Lemonade or Sprite — anything caffeine free is always a bonus 😉 — is what is usually requested at my house. Of course, adding to good ‘ol water would make drinking water a bit more fun, too.

For a mermaid effect, I used this neon food coloring. The colors turned out perfectly vibrant.

FUN TIP: To make the drinks even more fun, dip the rims in Karo syrup, then dip in different fun colors of sprinkles. I added some gold to really make the girls feel like it was mermaid water that they were sipping.

The gold sprinkles mixed in are so pretty!

Don’t worry, boys love the mermaid ice too!