Both heart-warming and inspiring, our Mother Teresa Movie Night was undoubtedly the most influential family movie night we’ve ever had. Don’t miss out on having one of your own!
Back in October, a friend organized a huge group of moms and their daughters to go see the new movie Mother Teresa: No Greater Love. My eldest daughter, Sophia, has always been fascinated by the life and work of Saint Teresa of Calcutta (aka Mother Teresa) so I was more than happy to take her.

Honestly, I thought I had a general idea of all of Saint Teresa’s good works, but the movie blew my mind. The amount of love she poured into the “Poorest of the Poor” in not only India, but around the world is jaw-dropping. Sophia and I left the theater in awe and our minds were racing. Seeing a movie about such and influential woman certainly makes you evaluate your actions, consider how you show love and the legacy you are creating.
Personally, one of the greatest take-aways from the movie in my mind was Mother Teresa’s “5 Finger Gospel”. With an out stretched hand, she would point to each finger and say, “You. Did. It. To. Me.” One word per finger.
With this phrase, she summarized the message of the Gospels…how we treat others is how we treat Jesus. Saint Teresa of Calcutta saw the face of Jesus in every person she looked at. What spiritual goals to strive for!

Mother Teresa Movie Night
So, after viewing such an inspirational movie, we decided to celebrate St. Teresa at home and share our experience with the rest of our family.
Dinner- As St. Teresa spent the majority of her time in Calcutta, India, I wanted to make an Asian recipe and my sister recommended the dish below (along with the recommendation to double up the seasonings to make it more robust). We poured it atop basmati rice which is typical in India. We also served naan bread alongside. Coconut Shrimp Curry Recipe

Dessert– I have the cookbook “Cooking with the Saints” and in it there is a dessert suggested to make to celebrate St. Teresa. It is a recipe for an Albanian Lemon Butter Cookie as St. Teresa is of Albanian descent. Grab a copy of your book here.

After we finished our meal and cleaned up dinner, we took the platter of cookies to the basement to watch Mother Teresa: No Greater Love. It is currently available on Amazon Prime for free. Overall, it was a great night!
We hope you get a chance to host your very own Mother Teresa Movie Night soon!