Creating a Christmas book Advent calendar is the perfect way to countdown to Christmas! Everyday you will get to spend quality time with your kids while reading the holiday classics! A Christmas book Advent calendar promotes literacy and can be created using many items you already own!

Every year I have bought Advent calendars for my kids. We did chocolate ones for awhile. It was fine until I found my then 4 year old daughter had eaten all of her and her siblings’ chocolate one day. The last two years, I have found some really cute toy Advent calendars, but I am so over all of the little toys! So this year, I decided to create an Advent calendar that a.) moves away from chocolate and toys and b.) adds a little more meaning to the holiday.
Last year I had read Brooke Christen’s (from Nesting with Grace) list of the most recommended Christmas books. In her post, she said her friend had done a book Advent calendar and it seemed like such an amazing idea to me. So I rounded up all of our children’s Christmas books (I found 18) and then used Brooke’s book suggestions to order the remaining 6 books.

Then, I wrapped the books and put little tags on them with numbers 1-24. I didn’t really put the books in any certain order outside of making sure the Elf on the Shelf book was day one as I am planning on having him arrive December 1st. I also made sure the 24th was “The Night Before Christmas.”

Below I’ve added some books that either my family personally loves or have come highly recommended.

Disney’s 5 Minute Christmas Stories

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey

Merry Christmas!
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